Where do you buy your DW books and at what price?

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Jan 25, 2012
Bron H said:
I usualy get mine from waterstones or smiths when it comes out in paperback for about £7.99
That seems really expensive to me.
I say this as an unemployed person, I think the value of the book is verrryyyy muchhigher than 7.99!
But.... I buy mine off ebay or amazon usually second hand, about £2-5 usually.

Sorry terry! :violin:


Jan 25, 2012
Who's Wee Dug said:
Hi Shaun, check out some of the charity shops around your area for some cheap Discworld books if you can manage it. :)
Oh I do!

I've got so many great books from charity shops for 50p. A whole collection of Robert Graves stuff, THREE DISCWORLD BOOKS. Granted I bought the Colour of Magic twice by accident! but for 50p, thats fine!
Not to mention the corner of one got chewed by my dog!

Nearly every good book I've bought in the last 5 years has been from charity shops, ones out of print or not stocked in shops etc. Some Vintage ones, whole sets of books.

If you have a charity shop near you, Havelok and see if there is any DW novels :laugh:


Dec 6, 2009
The Wold
I had a few good deals in local charity shops over the years. hardback 1st/1st's of the Trilogy books for £3 each (Gods Rincewind, Witches etc) the whole set. Just 2 weeks ago I found a completely mint Discworld puzzle for £2-99. Granted i spent nearly an hour counting the 1000 pieces before i bought it but it was worth it. :laugh: I only read the paperbacks and they are from the charity shops

I get all of my hardbacks online for the older ones, usually e-bay or Abe books. They are for the inheritence collection for Seren my daughter. The newer ones from Waterstones as the guys there are good friends and they usually go for £10 when first released. They have the limited slipcase editions most of the time so I get them all in one go. My O.C.D approach to collecting means that I have to have each different version. Snuff and Unseen Academicals was Slipcase Ed, Gold Edition/Hardback with Collector cards and Normal Blue 1st/Hardback without collector's cards. Totalling £50/£60 respectively. On this one I cheated a little. I couldn't wait for the paperback release so I spent many an awkward night reading the one hardback through a 3" gap so not to break the spine!!!

I dont drink or smoke so this is my little sin. I have to say I do love rummaging throught the local charity shop book racks. If I cant find a Pratchett i just spend my 50p on something else that looks good. Mo Hayder is my latest find. Very twisted but what writer. I've read Tokyo and Ritual in the last week. Pretty damn good


Dec 6, 2009
The Wold
i have found that to those unfamiliar with his work there is the belief that witches and wizzzards etc are all the books are about not the satirical undertones and more serious political comparisons. he is a very between the lines author. i firstthought the same on reading reaper man. good book to start on. it was only when i read a few more that i began to see the hidden extras
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
legendarydanbar said:
I had a few good deals in local charity shops over the years. hardback 1st/1st's of the Trilogy books for £3 each (Gods Rincewind, Witches etc) the whole set. Just 2 weeks ago I found a completely mint Discworld puzzle for £2-99. Granted i spent nearly an hour counting the 1000 pieces before i bought it but it was worth it. :laugh: I only read the paperbacks and they are from the charity shops

I get all of my hardbacks online for the older ones, usually e-bay or Abe books. They are for the inheritence collection for Seren my daughter. The newer ones from Waterstones as the guys there are good friends and they usually go for £10 when first released. They have the limited slipcase editions most of the time so I get them all in one go. My O.C.D approach to collecting means that I have to have each different version. Snuff and Unseen Academicals was Slipcase Ed, Gold Edition/Hardback with Collector cards and Normal Blue 1st/Hardback without collector's cards. Totalling £50/£60 respectively. On this one I cheated a little. I couldn't wait for the paperback release so I spent many an awkward night reading the one hardback through a 3" gap so not to break the spine!!! I dont drink or smoke so this is my little sin. I have to say I do love rummaging throught the local charity shop book racks. If I cant find a Pratchett i just spend my 50p on something else that looks good. Mo Hayder is my latest find. Very twisted but what writer. I've read Tokyo and Ritual in the last week. Pretty damn good
You won't break the spine on reading a hardback, the books are robust and well made so there is no danger of it happening.


Dec 6, 2009
The Wold
You know when you get a brand new book and it opens only a couple of inches then tightens up. I like to keep them like that. The whole collection bar a couple are brand new unread with that tension on opening. Like i said O.C.D :LOL:


Jan 16, 2010
Pocklington East Riding Yorkshire
The Oxfam bookshop in Palmers Green. They have an amazing section of books, very old and new, but there are hidden gems like hard back 1st editions of a certain Terry Pratchett, (knight of the realm). I have yet to discover a signed one but they usually go for £3 or less and are always in good condition.
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
Susanne I though we had struck it lucky in S.F. where we stayed for a few days enroute to Reno, next door to the hotel a Borders but when checking it out it was closed, :( but did manage to get into the one in a Reno retail park as it was closing down and selling off the books at a good discount. :laugh:
Jan 13, 2012
South florida, US
Yeah, i used to go to a borders by Coral Square Mall here. loved that store till it closed. then i was stuck with the Waldenbooks in the mall proper untill that one closed as well. the only book store left is Barnes And Noble, but that is a good distance away.


Aug 2, 2012
Milton Keynes
Hi There

I thought I would add to this old thread.

Where do I buy books? I only buy hardback editions, having dished out my softcovers at a bootsale. I buy my hardcovers from the following sources.
New Books;
For signed copies I go here http://www.paulkidby.com
Wh Smith
I too would prefer to support the independants, but can't find one :(

Used Books;
Green Metropolis.
I have tried Charity and community stores, but have never seen a Terry Pratchett book. They probably get filtered out in the back room :rolleyes:
I would recommend picking up from http://www.greenmetropolis.com as they have lots to choose from in both formats, and you only pay for the postage and a small incentive fee. Its for recycling books. They also have some audiobooks too.

Ebay has become the traders favourite, but many of the books are overpriced. Bargains can still be snapped up if you don't collect.

For those who have ereaders, I recommend downloading eCalibre http://www.calibre-ebook.com. It is a digital book management program. You can download it for free and use it free forever. I would recommend donating if possible as it is an excellent piece of work. It will manage all your ebooks and here's the best bit. You can convert from one format to another on the fly. It detects what your ereader is and will convert from the purchased format to your format as it moves it from your hard drive to your reader. I use it all the time. I now have all my TP ebooks on my Iriver Story and my Galaxy Note. Never more than 2 foot away from TP :laugh:

Thanks for your time



Oct 18, 2012
If i ask,i normally get " Everbody asks for those" But i've found most of my Paperback collection in Second Hand shops, plus some Hardbacks,Normally for 50p or £1, It's getting rarer to find ones that i've not got ,So it's either E-bay or Amazon or failing that WH Smiths or Ottackers in Grimsby :laugh:


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Yesterday, I broke my longstanding personal taboo never to own a copy of "Pyramids" and bought one because I'm going to give it one more try. I had to have a Corgi Kirby edition to complete my Corgi Kirby Kollection but they're not available directly in the states, so I bought a used one through Ebay-UK, which I used to buy all my other KirbyCorgis. Altogether, the whole thing, including shipping to the U.S., cost a total of around UK 4 pounds, which is about US $7. That's cheaper than the cost of buying and shipping a US version.

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