*high fives Sabra* Right on sister! Welcome to the forum
I've watched it since series 1 episode 1 and I was one of several thousand little kids who had to do so from behind the sofa.... 8) William Hartnell in retrospect was actually a brilliant doc - he was sooooooo grumpy but, as I had just turned 5, I immediately associated him with the strictest teacher at my primary school (who was female and scary as hell!

) and it was actually
him that had me behind the sofa and not the Daleks - they didn't show up until further on in the 1st series.
The only Doctor I really missed out on was Sylvester McCoy - the programme was starved of cash by then and looked really old hat and shabby (I never, ever will forgive Michael Grade for that! And for chopping poor Colin Baker altogether for 18 months

) and I also couldn't stick watching poor Sylvester (who was a really excellent Doctor) with Bonnie Langford, despite her being the best assistant/companion at screaming for the entire run including these latest ones...

I've since seen the re-runs of the McCoy Doctor on UKGlod

(except for Bonnie's eps - there has to be a line somewhere!) and there wasn't much wrong with it that I could see, certainly not on the writing side of it and really the clunky sets weren't that bad - cheesy maybe, but cute cheesy.
Anyway the New Wave Docs all certainly cut the mustard, so onwards and upwards!