The scary thing is, I did hear it in David Tennant's voice. Well, his real name is David McDonald. If you're wondering about that, many actors go under stage names due to the way the actor's union, Equity, works there.
I have to say that my favourite Doctor (a controversial choice), on consideration, was Sylvester McCoy (aka Percy James Patrick Kent-Smith), especially during his last two seasons as the Doctor. He combined whimsy with darkness in just the right measures.
Then, David Tennant. He really brought life to the role of the Doctor. After that, Tom Baker, and then, Patrick Troughton.
BTW, pop quiz: which other
Doctor Who actor (that I haven't mentioned yet) works under a pseudonym? Hint: He changed it partly because it sounded like the name of a director he worked with on the show he was famous for before
Doctor Who.