The Mad Collector said:
Jack Remillard said:
I think my favourite Doctors are probably Matt Smith, Sylvester McCoy, Jon Pertwee and Patrick Troughton.
Now that is an interesting mix. Very few people rate McCoy but his last series was pretty good.
It was! I also thought he was good in Remembrance Of The Daleks and The Greatest Show In The Universe in season 25. I love the scene in Remembrance when he is sitting in the cafe talking to the guy behind the counter and really thinking about what he is doing.
I first got into Doctor Who when I was 10/11 and the last two seasons of the classic series were on. The cunning and mysterious version of the Doctor really captured my imagination. I loved the idea that he might be destined to be Merlin in his personal future.
I also really like some of his Big Finish audio plays. I think my favourite is Night Thoughts (though it's a while since I've listened to any).
Troughton suffers from the fact a majority of his episodes were wiped (just 19 left of the first 75 and 56 left out of 119 overall) so it is difficult to judge him nowadays
True, but there is quite a lot still around.

I think he's great in The Invasion for example. I really liked his scenes with Tobias Vaughn.
and as for Smith well it may well be too early to tell exactly what he is doing with the role.
Well, it's possible that I might change my mind in the future, but at present I'm really enjoying his portrayal.