Tom Baker (in anything - even the voice-over ads, but he was particularly brilliant in the TV presentation of Lives and Loves of a She Devil - he played the randy priest) and will defend his title as best Who to the death...
But I really liked
Jon Pertwee and
Patrick Troughton too.
Colin Baker was wonderful in it really (the attitide was great and I loved him bullying Peri), but then I disliked the
Peter Davidson Who as I
loathe cricket as much as I love Tom Baker
Sylvester McCoy I didn't take to at the time but I've since seen the re-runs on UKGold and like those.
I liked both new Who's, although
David Tennant worked better in that of course as he really embraced the role. I think the writing has come on in leaps and bounds this time around and I love the ways they thread all the separate episodes into one huge story over a series.
Best Assistants.... Has to be
Leila even though she had to wear the leather bikini top and tarzan-type breechclout.
Ace was good too and
Sarah Jane intelligent if needy sometimes... I quite like
Tagan too, maybe because she was such a kind air stewardess - a contradiction in RL terms perhaps.

I really liked
Jamie too (Frazer Hines - Joe in Emmerdale). He was the Jacobean Scot assistant in the Troughton episodes and he looked so
cute in that kilt
Mel - you know
the scream had to be the best one ever! But no - she didn't work apart from that as all I can see is Violet Elizabeth Bott (I am so old and ebil... :twisted: ) I feel very strongly that the scream is absolutely central to the success of the Dr's Assistant's role, so I have to credit Bonnie with that even if she wasn't that great overall.
I hated
Peri - never took to her, possibly 'cos she wore pink too much
*mutters ominously*. Really for similar reasons I didn't like
Rose at all either - this time 'cos her dark roots and frankly vulgar peroxide hair are just YUCK! :x