Who is your favourite Who?

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City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Ah now that makes sense. Wonder if he's got someone running the place and he gets cash from the business. o_O

Maybe he's got a whole chain of scrap merchants all over the universe. :laugh: After all, they need to do something with all those bits of Dalek and Cybermen.
Sep 9, 2008
Jon Pertwee rules

I have to say that for style and horrible kung fu (why don't we see the Doctor kicking butt these days) I have to go for Jon.

I loved the car and I hate to say it his brains. I am such a sucker for someone with brains.

I didn't mind the others (I am such a Doctor Who groupie) but Jon is the one that sticks in my mind when I think of the Doctor. Followed by Peter Davidson but I think that was teenage hormones with that one. (well at the time he was the youngest to appear)

As for side kicks I liked Leela but that was just because she was not a woosy fall down and twist my ankle side kick. She fought back!!!!!


Special Constable
Jul 10, 2008
Pontarddulais - Wales
Not sure how I feel about this. I quite enjoyed Tennant as the Doctor.

I think I enjoyed Eccleson more, maybe.

It will be fun to find out. I know it won't happen but it would be great if they kept it quiet from the press so the regeneration would be a surprise.
Oct 13, 2008
Oh! Swoon! David Tennant. 8) :laugh:
I'm sad he wants out but they do get rather type cast as Doctor Who, don't they.

Of the early ones, I liked Tom Baker & Patrick Troughton. I do remember William Harnell as well.


Sep 20, 2008
Middle Cornwall
. . . surely the nature of the character has allowed for the different actors to get away with their own interpretation of the Dr.

Now, if Tennant is off, the producer has the chance to consider all options. So, how about a lady Dr Who? Or twins? Or a Long John Silver type, with a parrot on his shoulder - the parrot being the new Doctor?
Sep 9, 2008
I am a Jon Pertwee all the way sort of person.

I didn't dislike any of the others, and quite like the new ones they have but Jon was so ironic (a dandy doing terrible karate/martial art of some sort) sticks in my mind. I loved it.
Oct 13, 2008
Quilpusha said:
. . . surely the nature of the character has allowed for the different actors to get away with their own interpretation of the Dr.

Now, if Tennant is off, the producer has the chance to consider all options. So, how about a lady Dr Who? Or twins? Or a Long John Silver type, with a parrot on his shoulder - the parrot being the new Doctor?
I think that is going a bit far :laugh: As a woman it wouldn't be right, twins, no way, as to the parrot, "Who's a pretty boy then" :laugh: :laugh:


Aug 12, 2008
swansea south wales
han argument about this a few months ago . as its perfectly possible to change colour nobody knows wether a gallifrian can change sex . romana when she regenerated into another female.so all the who spotters i know think that gender is locked :)


Aug 1, 2008
West Yorkshire
I'm reliably informed that if Galifreyans could swap gender they would do it half way through their lifecycle, which in original cannon would have been the 6th doctor. Also evidence such as Romana and Susan proves that Galifreyans can be born male or female so it's hard to identify from a evolutionary point of view why the race would need to be able to change sex. Colour, build, age etc changes could all have developed to equip a Time Lord for their environment or purpose.

You wouldn't believe the lectures I've sat through.


Jul 28, 2008
windle poons said:
One of the actors being mentioned as the new Doctor is Marc Warren after his performance as Teatime I dread to think what he would be like !
Seconded! He couldn't even pronounce his own character's name :rolleyes:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Love Tom Baker (in anything - even the voice-over ads, but he was particularly brilliant in the TV presentation of Lives and Loves of a She Devil - he played the randy priest) and will defend his title as best Who to the death...

But I really liked Jon Pertwee and Patrick Troughton too. Colin Baker was wonderful in it really (the attitide was great and I loved him bullying Peri), but then I disliked the Peter Davidson Who as I loathe cricket as much as I love Tom Baker :devil:
Sylvester McCoy I didn't take to at the time but I've since seen the re-runs on UKGold and like those.

I liked both new Who's, although David Tennant worked better in that of course as he really embraced the role. I think the writing has come on in leaps and bounds this time around and I love the ways they thread all the separate episodes into one huge story over a series.

Best Assistants.... Has to be Leila even though she had to wear the leather bikini top and tarzan-type breechclout. Ace was good too and Sarah Jane intelligent if needy sometimes... I quite like Tagan too, maybe because she was such a kind air stewardess - a contradiction in RL terms perhaps. :laugh: I really liked Jamie too (Frazer Hines - Joe in Emmerdale). He was the Jacobean Scot assistant in the Troughton episodes and he looked so cute in that kilt :laugh:

Mel - you know the scream had to be the best one ever! But no - she didn't work apart from that as all I can see is Violet Elizabeth Bott (I am so old and ebil... :twisted: ) I feel very strongly that the scream is absolutely central to the success of the Dr's Assistant's role, so I have to credit Bonnie with that even if she wasn't that great overall.
I hated Peri - never took to her, possibly 'cos she wore pink too much *mutters ominously*. Really for similar reasons I didn't like Rose at all either - this time 'cos her dark roots and frankly vulgar peroxide hair are just YUCK! :x

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