Who is your favourite Who?

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May 28, 2009
Well, for me my favourite Who would be Eccleston :) I guess it's true what they say; you never forget your first Who ;)

The revamped series, and Ecclestons tragic, lonely Doctor just brough a whoel new level of appeal to the series (quite apart from the fact that there was no beige/pink colouring ionvolved, no wobbly, flat pack sets and so on from what I remember seeing in the 80s.)

Tennant had a light-hearted, frolic some appeal I guess, but I got frustrated trying to keep track of what he was saying due to the mumbling...


Jun 22, 2009
I've just started watching it last year so I don't really know how the classic series was but I really enjoy the series. My favourite Who is David Tennant for the simple reason that he's the first Doctor I ever saw. Though I think Chris Ecclestone was brilliant too (it's his manic smile). I'm really interested to see Matt Smith. I've got an impression that he'll say "geronimo" quite a lot :laugh:
I've actually started to watch right from the beginning, but I stopped pretty soon. Susan started to annoy me and the Doctor was a bit too grumpy for me.


Jun 22, 2009
Omnia said:
Tennant had a light-hearted, frolic some appeal I guess, but I got frustrated trying to keep track of what he was saying due to the mumbling...
I just love it whent he starts rambling on about something again. But I know what you mean about the mumbling. I had to go over some of his sentences five times until I understood them. (one advantage of DVD boxsets :laugh: )


Jan 23, 2010
Forest of Dean
I was too young (just) to remember William Hartnell. My first Doctor was Patrick Troughton who was equal in my affections with his successor, Jon Pertwee. I think in Jon's case it's just that I now think of all the other wonderful stuff he did, especially on radio. When he regenerated into Tom Baker I remember being mortified and swearing that things would never be the same again. Within a couple of years I was hooked on Tom's Doctor and spent the long, hot summer of '76 knitting myself a 30' scarf (madness!) which I wore with my astrakhan coat in that year's carnival :eek: :rolleyes: :cool: :cool:

Move forward to the 'new' doctors and my son's reaction to the change from Eccleston to Tennant, exactly the same as mine all those years before!

And I only have to pipe up with a plantive "Are you my Mummy?" to send him running for his room with his hands over his ears, even though he's a socking great 16-year-old! :laugh:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
You have to bear in mind that there's a large gap between this current run of the series starting with Christoper Eccleston and the previous one which ended in 1989. There was a TV movie in 1996 with Paul McGann as the Doctor and then nothing until 2005.

The program started in 1963, so, as you can imagine, a lot of the old series are going to seem very dated by today's standards. But if you can get to watch them, you may enjoy them. A lot of episodes were lost over the years because the BBC didn't archive them, or they taped over them. :eek:

I think it's fair to say that all the Doctors have had their good points and bad points. I said at the start that I liked the Colin Baker episodes - but I didn't much care for them at the time as he played the Doctor very differently from Peter Davison. He had a huge ego, was completely crazy and he treated his assistant (Peri) like dirt. It's kind of funny to watch it now. :laugh:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Tonyblack said:
I think it's fair to say that all the Doctors have had their good points and bad points. I said at the start that I liked the Colin Baker episodes - but I didn't much care for them at the time as he played the Doctor very differently from Peter Davison. He had a huge ego, was completely crazy and he treated his assistant (Peri) like dirt. It's kind of funny to watch it now. :laugh:
More than deserved - she was possibly his most whiney companion ever! :twisted:

I liked the Colin Baker Who - a more psychotic version of the Tom Baker Who (may he remain blessed in memory evermore :) ) but the writing in that series was absolutely excellent with the trial element and also Patrick Troughton (Who 2) and Jacqueline Pearce (Servalan from Blakes 7) in one episode as carnivorous aliens dining out on humans in a Portuguese taverna :twisted: :laugh:

Magic! 8)


Jun 22, 2009
Tonyblack said:
Cheery said:
Tonyblack said:
No, no, no - The Sara Jane Adventures episode with the creepy clowns in is the scariest ever. :eek:
I haven't seen that one. Can you post a link if it's on youtube or something?
You asked for it.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Yes I did. :) Thanks!

Tonyblack said:
Clowns really freak me out! :devil: How on earth does anyone find them funny?
I think they're pitiful. I used to think they were funny (until I was six) but now I just shake my head when I see them.

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