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Warning: This part involves implied woman beating and torture.
Fans of Paula, please don't hate me!!!!!

Part Nine

Fritz had finished eating the slop that was ungraciously pushed through the bars. The Doctor did not even touch it. Frieda looked like she had given up on life and was pushing unidentified food objects around with her plastic knife.

"So, what is this General Ribbentrop like, Fritz?"

"Class A bully!" Fritz said sourly. "He has had four wives in the past year alone. Got them all pregnant. Now it seems wife number five is Paula!"

"He has a harem?"

"No, what he does with the women he impregnates he takes to something he calls The Great One. And, as far as I know all four have kept their babies. So he says."

"The Great One. Is that some sort of God?"

"Hardly," Fritz snorted. "Religion's banned!"

The Doctor frowned. "Complete control, I only know a few species who would ban people's rights to be who they want to be. And all of them make my blood curl!"

"Giant Pepperpot, David Llewellyn Shot. Giant Pepperpot, overdressed robot!" Frieda mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Giant Pepperpot, David Llewellyn shot. Giant Pepperpot, overdressed robot!" The Doctor strode up to Frieda. "Pepperpot, Peppery Peppery Pepperpot. Shot David Llewellyn, David Llewellyn Shot. Overdressed robot is hovering Giant Pepperpot!" she continued to mumble.

"Before I was led off I saw a hovering thing that looked like a Giant Pepperpot," Fritz said.

The Doctor's blood not only ran cold but iced up and he felt his heart pounding. "Oh Paula. What have I done?"


General Ribbentrop did up his jacket. Paula was crying curling up in a foetal position. Tears fell on swollen lips seeping into the wounds causing them to sting which added to her pain.

"You should not cry, Paula. We are now married. You will be Queen of the World."

Paula glared at him through her tears. "I don't want to be Queen of the World you monster! I just want my children back!"

"You will have more children. They would still be taken from you as none are above the law," he said as he picked up the whip. "And you are just a lowly woman you should only be of use to men for one thing. Thank you for being such a good provider!"

Paula wiped her tears from her eyes only to clear the way for more of them. "What is going to happen to Fritz?"

"What happens to all traitors," the General simply said. "They meet The Great One!"

"I thought all Religion was banned. That sounds almost God like to me!"

The General sighed. "The Great One is not invisible The Great One can be seen by everyone. In fact as my wife you should meet the Great One."

"Does Fritz know about the Great One?"

The General smirked. Paula pulled her knees close to her chin. Staying as close to the wall as she could. Her arms were black and blue. Oddly she was not worried about herself as much as she was about Fritz and the Doctor.

"You really think Fritz ran this country? His only use was a poster boy. No, I ran this country, I and the Great One. Now I wish to be the face on the Poster with my name stated as the ruler. Now I have my Queen. Now I have taken you as wife. I shall present you to the Great One."

Suddenly Paula grew attached to her chain. She would rather be on her own chained to the bed than meeting this Great One with the evil General. If this Great One disapproved of her then surely she would be killed? The General took a key out of his trouser pocket and walked up to the padlock - he released the catch and slipped the hook of the chain off the lock then clicked the lock back into place. Clicking his tongue he yanked the chain forcing her off the bed.

"Stand up on your legs. Though the Great One may think I am too lenient letting you do that!"

"What is your first name?" Paula asked. "If I am to be your wife I must know your first name!"

"Ernst Von Ribbentrop," he replied. "You can only use my first name in parties and at private functions! As a show of how close we are. But NEVER assume control any time else. Got that ... Wife?!"

Paula got it and gritted her teeth. Now she knew why she could not speak against Fritz. He just was not nasty enough for her to be rebellious against. This General was a repulsive bully. He deserved to have egg on his face.

"I got it ... husband!" she replied a little sarcastically.

"Do not mock me!" he yanked her close to his body. A hand wrapping around her hair. "No matter how you please me you are not above Deaths call I am Death's slave."

"Death and the Great One. You certainly do keep high company!" she exclaimed not hiding the sarcasm. So what had she to lose?

"Very funny!" he sneered. "Though I must warn you that I have twisted the chain around my wrist, any more sarcasm and I can twist it round your dainty little neck. I control your movements so you can not step more than three steps ahead of me," he led her out of the room down the corridor stopping at a very unusual statue of a pepperpot with knobs stuck on it. Looked like a robot in fancy dress. The General pulled something that resembled a sink plunger down - opening a secret passageway. A very dark, twisty passageway with torches lit up in sconces. "Of course I could just let you go. But my next child I am determined is to be pretty. And that is what you are."

"For my sins," she mumbled.

"No religion - no sin," he murmured in her ear.

"There are still principles."

"Really? What are they?"

Paula was pleased for the coolness of the passageway. She was never scared of the dark. The light showed up her fears more so than the comforting woolly jumper of blackest night. Flickering fire light distorted shadows making them seem longer one second and shorter the next, the effect almost hypnotised her. The snakelike stairway finished at a wooden door. The General fished out another key from another pocket. Scratched the door a certain way. Then unlocked the door.

"EN-TER!" a cold, nasal voice exclaimed.

"All Hail The Great One!" several similar sounding voices proclaimed.

"All Hail The Great One!" The General intoned.

Paula mouthed the words. Feeling that she should show she understood who and what the Great One was.

When her eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness she saw about four or five giant, hovering pepperpots.

"The Female Is Not Hailing The Great One!"

"ALL HAIL THE GREAT ONE!" blue lights flashed up with every word that they were repeating over and over again.

"All hail the great one," Paula said half-heartedly.

They seemed pleased that she had said the words. Whoever they were. They moved and the General led her down a red carpet - the stones glistened with water. Weird place to find metal. Non rusting metal at that. At the end of the carpet was a heavy red velvet drape.

"All Hail The Great One!" the General exclaimed.

"All hail the great one," Paula mumbled.

Then the red velvet drape separated. Standing in-between the gap was a bigger pepperpot.

"I Am The Great One!" it's tone deeper than it's companions.

"What the hell?" Paula breathed!

Cue David Tennants theme tune and credits!

Emma Watson - Paula
Jason Isaacs - Dr Who ...



Jun 22, 2009
Definatly daleks! I can't wait for the Doctor meeting them :)

Lady Vetinari said:
Warning: This part involves implied woman beating and torture.
Fans of Paula, please don't hate me!!!!!
I don't hate you for this, don't worry! :)
The one I hate is von Ribbentrop! "Bully" is far underrated! I hope he gets exterminated in a way that will satisfy us all. By the Daleks... :twisted:
Go Doctor and Paula!
Sep 9, 2008
Jon Pertwee all the way

Liking the new bloke at present (have only seen 1 ep but anyone who eats fish fingers and custard gets my vote)

Would also put in Christopher Eccelston I thought he did a really good job when the series first came back.

David Tennet's Dr while great got too angsty for me.
I did not really like the Chris Eccleston one I must admit and he said himself that the only reason he played the part was because it was a favour for RTD as he was never really a fan and would rather have been in Star Trek. I liked the romance of David Tennant and at least David Tennant was a life-long fan which I think helped his performance ... as one thing that turns me off Sci Fi is the general lack of romance. I am a romantic creature. :oops:

Part 10

The Doctor tried to pull on the bars. He'd spent centuries improving his mind but, unfortunately, none of his regenerations were musclebound truck pulling sumo wrestling male forms. There were some physically strong time-lords, and intelligent too. He, somehow, had managed to stay wiry, fairly thin ... apart from his fourth one ... weird hair and what was it with those scarves he liked? Jelly-babies were nice though. He sighed. There were no jelly-babies now. Somehow that thought made him angrier and he pushed harder against the metal of the bars. Fritz sighed after spoon feeding the now almost lifeless form of Frieda. Wedging the fork between dribble-drenched teeth.

"It won't work, Doctor," Fritz said leaning back against the freezing cold stone wall. Somehow it was soothing him. "You will more likely break your arms! Then where would Paula be?"

"You must know a secret way out? There is always a secret way out."

"I can assure you, my grandfather would not have made a secret passageway."

"He would if it was his cell."

Frieda mumbled on and on about giant pepperpots. Fritz gazed off into the distance some dark corner where there were an odd arrangement of bricks. The Doctor massaged his wrists, took his red jacket off and rolled his shirt sleeves up.

"It won't work, Doctor!"

"I brought Paula into this, I will get her out of this - alive!"

Frieda burbled and continued dribbling. "Doctor there is no point in breaking your body. I am sure Paula would agree with me there. Come and sit down."

"I cannot sit down whilst a lady is in danger. A lady and a friend! Tell me Fritz, would it have helped more if I posed as her husband rather than her uncle?"

"As far as I was concerned," Fritz sighed, "yes!" Shifting position resting his chin on his hand in a bored repose continuing to stare at the odd alignment. "As far as Ribbentrop is concerned ... No! He'd have shot you ... so you should be thankful that you followed your own intuition."

"How is that a help?"

Fritz rolled his eyes. Stood up and strode to the Doctor. Taking him by the waist he threw him away from the bars. "As I said breaking your back won't help Paula. You said yourself that you have been in many prisons. Obviously a way always presents itself. Just calm down. Paula is not stupid. I can sense that. It is why I like her too. I genuinely want a wife as intellectually equal to me. I do not care about origin. I need love and I need a friend too. What I also need is to get out of here as well. I hate being Fritz Hitler ... I wish I could turn into someone else. Please, sit down. When that situation presents itself you'll need your energies for Paula!"

The Doctor conceded, "Sorry, but I do not like being confined. And I do not like the fact that I tend to bring innocent young people into trouble!"

"Young? You're not old you know!" Frieda snapped out of her dribbled fuelled reverie. "I'm old ... too old!" She turned towards Fritz. "I know who Paula is."

"You do?" Fritz asked.

"Please," she entreated him laying a hand on his arm digging her fingers in. "Please, look after her well, young man. Please? You promise? You too Doctor?"

The Doctor glanced at Fritz who was watching the woman only. Fritz would have been a good ruler in other circumstances. He was caring, kind and slightly arrogant. Sometimes even good people had to be arrogant especially if they wanted or needed in Fritz's case, to rule. Poor young man.

"I promise, Frieda. I promise the promise of a man who is in love!"

The Doctor tenderly took Frieda's other hand in his and gently squeezed it reassuringly. A gesture showing his promise rather than words. "My daughter will be destined for great things then!" then with a sudden gasp Frieda's eyes rolled back into the head and her head lolled on it's side. Eyes stared out at the darkest corner of the cell. Fritz compassionately closed her eyes. The Doctor sighed and glanced too at the corner.


Paula was flung to the floor. "Bow Before The Great One!"

"So much for banning religion," she mumbled as Ribbentrop kicked the back of her knee's forcing her into submission.

"Is This Your New Wife?" The Great One intoned. "Does She Know The Others Were Exterminated!"

"They deserved too be, Great One. They produced less than adequate stock!"

"We Are Only Allowing You To Have Good Strong Children To Help The Da - Lek Cause!" The Great One said.

"Dalek?" Paula asked. "What are Daleks?"

"We Are Daleks!" the 'minion's' intoned.

The Great One seemed to be staring right at Paula. Scanning her over with it's plunger. It whirred strangely, as if it was thinking. Then the centre of the plunger levelled with her eyes. Paula found herself staring into it. Trying not blink. She was not scared. Extermination sounded the best option compared to other choices. No point in showing cowardice.

"The Female Is Not Alone!" the Great One said. "The Female Has Been In Company With A Time Lord!"

Paula's heart thumped in her chest. "I came here with my Uncle."

"You Are Human ... You Are Not A Time Lord."

"Could be a Time Lady," she replied. Jaw set firmly staring straight at the Dalek or Great One or whatever the overdressed robots call themselves!

"Your Uncle poses as a Doctor does he not?" Ribbentrop asked her and, to prevent back chat, he yanked the chain strangling her breifly before releasing her.

"Yes ... yes ... he does!"

"Go Get The Female's Relative! The Female Stay's Here!"

General Ribbentrop bowed and turned on his heel. Paula watched him leave - the expression of relief on her face did not go amiss in the corner of his eye. Have your satisfaction later, he thought. First get this relative of hers!


Friz stared into his hands.

"Doctor, can you promise me one thing?" he asked the alien.

"Well I can promise you several things, old bean, whether I can carry them out is another matter."

"If we do get out of this alive ... And at the moment that is a big if ... Can I please come with you ... I know it will be a tight fit in that little box - I know that box can travel as I saw it arrive so it must have come from somewhere. I don't want to remain here. I don't want to be Fritz Hitler. I want to be Fred Gardener."


"I like Gardens. I feel free in Gardens. I know it was a surname."

"No nothing wrong with Gardens. Why Fred?"

Fritz shrugged. "It just sounds friendlier than Fritz."

The Doctor turned his head to really look at the young man sitting just a hands-width away from him. He had already given up it seemed but needed to buck himself up by a fantasy re-creation of himself. The Doctor sighed and reached out to touch the boy on his shoulder and was about to say something conciliatory when he heard the squeak and grind of the the cell door being opened.

"I suppose you are Paula's Uncle?" a sneering growling voice enquired.

The Doctor turned to be confronted by the ugliest brute he had ever seen. And he'd seen a few species only mothers could love. But he felt that even his mother could not say anything nice to this one. The scar down his lip was enough to convince the Doctor not to play any tricks.

"I am Paula's Uncle," he stood up.

The man grinned wolfishly. The scar cracked. The Doctor felt sick.

"The Great One wishes to see you!"

"I go with him!" Fritz exclaimed. "Ribbentrop I go with him."

Ribbentrop blinked a little at Fritz then sneered again. Something the Doctor was sure the man was born with. "Oh yes," he said slowly. "Long have I wanted to introduce the brat to The Great One. It could be amusing for Paula to see her sweetheart - what is the word The Great One uses? ... Ah yes! That's it ... Exterminated!"

The Doctor rushed up immediately and pushed the bulky General against the wall. "Where is she? Where have you left her?"

"With the Great One!"

The Doctor turned to Fritz. "You stay here. It will be safer for you to stay here. Trust me!"

"I am coming, Doctor!" Fritz exclaimed. "I care about Paula too!"

"When you two are done!" Ribbentrop hissed. "Fritz does not have a choice. I was going to bring him anyway!"


Paula had stood up the Daleks were now talking about Master Race. Exterminating the weak. It was not anything she had not heard before. What did shock her was the brightness of their colours - they looked friendly - Like a giant children's toy. It made them all the more scarier. They were ignoring her which also was not new. Until today everybody had ignored her. Strange that today was the day she had found her heart. Enjoy it whilst you can, she thought, you won't experience love again.

Behind her she heard the clunk as the heavy door clanged shut. The creaking heavy boots of General Ribbentrop could hardly sneak up. But then the General was a man that would not even consider sneaking up on anyone. He was a big luggish brute! Two figures were flung in front of the Great One - The Doctor and Fritz. Paula's heart skipped several beats as she saw Fritz glance up, there was a staunch determination in his eyes. The Doctor, however, was more concerned with the state of his dress, brushing away the dirt from his pale trousers and making sure his jacket was not creased before he even begun to take in his dank, dark surroundings. Then his line of vision joined up with Paula's.

"And how are you, Paula?" then his smile and casual ease was suddenly replaced with anger and hatred. "Who did that to you?" he asked in cold, iced tones.

"I did - it is what she deserves. Even that is too good for her!"

Fritz turned to look at Paula but could not control his anger at Ribbentrop. Immediately he rushed to Ribbentrop but the Doctor blocked the young man's path. "Go to Paula," he whispered. "Please. She needs you! I'll deal with this."

Fritz glowered at Ribbentrop speaking volumes in his eyes how he would like to torture him. Paula ran to Fritz and hugged him. The General sneered at this display of emotion: "You are my wife, Paula. Just remember that!"

"Really, sir. Got any paperwork to prove that?" The Doctor calmly asked. Ignoring the machines completely. At least they had an excuse to be the way they were, this General would hardly feel suicidal if he let his heart work!

"You Are The Doctor!" the Great One intoned deeply. Sounding slightly peeved at being ignored.

The Doctor turned and smiled at the Great One. "Hello Dalek! Might have known you were behind this."

"Now It Is Your Time Doctor!" the Dalek groaned.

Paula shivered at the ice-cold calm that her new friend had with these monster/machines. She clung onto Fritz. General Ribbentrop tore Fritz away from what he considered his wife.

"Great One. I offer this to you as part of your plan."

The Great One swivelled it's Dome - Paula thought the Dalek must be glaring at the General.

"The Male Form Is Too Weak For The Plan -" The Great One said disdainfully. "I Have Another In Mind For The Plan."

The Dalek's dome swivelled back around to Paula and Fritz. Fritz grabbed hold of Paula's hand, rubbing the pad of his thumb calming her down.

"The Female Is Strong - She Will Be The Sacrifice!"

Paula squeezed Fritz's hand with fear. Her heart trembled. The Doctor's hearts plummeted down to his boots.

"She is going to be my wife!" Ribbentrop snarled.

"Daleks have no concept of mating or matrimonial devotion - however ghastly it is displayed by some humans -" The Doctor turned to Ribbentrop, explaining further, "Daleks do not love they hate!" The Doctor sighed as he turned back to the Great One. "Take me Daleks. I am your enemy - Take me ... the last of the Time Lords. Let ME be your final victory!"

The Great One slid forward and stopped. The eye-plunger zoomed close to The Doctor. It seemed time had stopped whilst the Great One seemed to compute this and, possibly, make the most important decision in it's existence.
Dec 15, 2008
Right, I've been catching up with some recently bought dr. Who dvd's. I'm a bit in love with Tennant now I think *sigh*
Rose has grown on me as well, but still think Martha is the coolest. Quite liked Donna Noble as well, but haven't seen all episodes with her yet.
When Rose enters again in series 4 and Tennant metamorphoses into the new guy....I'm just gonna bawl my eyes out, right??? It's ok, you can go ahead and tell me - how sad is Tennants leaving?? Just want a fair warning, that's all.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
WannabeAngua said:
Right, I've been catching up with some recently bought dr. Who dvd's. I'm a bit in love with Tennant now I think *sigh*
Rose has grown on me as well, but still think Martha is the coolest. Quite liked Donna Noble as well, but haven't seen all episodes with her yet.
When Rose enters again in series 4 and Tennant metamorphoses into the new guy....I'm just gonna bawl my eyes out, right??? It's ok, you can go ahead and tell me - how sad is Tennants leaving?? Just want a fair warning, that's all.
Martha was my favourite as well. I found Rose incredibly annoying and still haven't decided about Donna. :)

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Billie Piper is seriously annoying - her dark roots wind me up sumthin' chronic. :devil: Rose would have been sort of OK if she'd been played by someone else - I did like the 1st (Eccleston) series with the last Dalek though. Made me sob like anything! :laugh:

I liked DT as the Doc a lot but was glad he left when he did as I'm with Terry on how he was turning out. His last episode whilst brilliant with the tying off bits at the end (I always like Master episodes no matter who plays him) was certainly getting far too mawkish and lovey dovey... o_O I much prefer the old Who's who couldn't be doing with all the kissy stuff :rolleyes: Fave Who is Tom but closely followed by Colin Baker - the Fabulous Baker Docs :laugh: Colin wasn't v. nice to Perry but then I wouldn't have been either - silly pink girly thing :p


Jun 22, 2009
Hello, everyone! I thought I'd post this here:
Has anyone heard anything of Lady Vetinari recently?
We were in email contact and a few weeks ago she stopped writing. I've tried to contact her, but haven't heard anything for several weeks.
I'm starting to get worried now :(

I really really hope it's a simple reason like holidays, broken down pc or just simply not wanting to chat on the internet anymore. I hope nothing serious has happened to her...

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Just to confirm Lady V will be popping in and out again eventually, but not as much as usual as there's some health issues involved in which the pup is playing a major part in getting her a life away from the PC. She's also getting help resolving some longer-standing problems.

If she's not been in contact with you lately on e-mail then PM me and I'll let her know you'd like to keep in touch :)

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