Poor old Peter Davison is like Norway in Eurovision - nil points.
I'm a New Who fan as they cancelled Old Who when I was still quite young. I've only ever seen snippets of Old Who that I was made to watch by my Dad and it never appealed to me when I was little.
I didn't take to Chris Eccelstone though I loved David Tennant and thought nobody could possibly compete with him. Matt Smith has, therefore, been a surprising revelation. I love what he has brought to the Doctor - the sense of age despite his youthful exterior, his range of emotions and his dotty professor personality. My choice of fav has to be Matt, followed by Tennant.
Somewhat controversially I feel that the best companion of New Who so far has been Donna. I know Donna is the marmite of companions but I loved Catherine Tate's performance and I felt that she provided us with a great, strong companion who could hold her own. Rose and Martha were a little too needy emotion wise as they were in love with the Doctor. Amy and Rory were OK but not necessarily best served by some of the stories and there was a slight lack of character development. River is a great character but not really a companion ... I can't wait to see what's going to happen with this new companion Clara - so far the performance has been promising. Not long to wait now!
I would love them to do something more with Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax - there seems to be great potential there. I know that, like Melody Pond/Melody Malone/River, they have been afforded the honour of a quick read story. More screen time would be wonderful too!