Ahh the sky adaptations are not so bad I mean as far as hogfather goes its pretty loyal to the book but not everything can ever be put into a 1 and a half hour tv film
colour of magic missed loadsssss out and was possibly the worst one
going postal had a little to much ANTI SMOKING moral thrown into it
the cartoons are pretty faithful but no one person has the same depiction of a character in their head either via manorisms or looks or voice
johnny and the bomb was pretty much to the book if a little on the cheap side
and apart from the bad acting johnny and the dead was pretty close
truckers was beautifly animated and was pretty much to the book nut mainly because it was an episodic series
films like tifanny aching wlll be made in the future but possibly after terry pratchett has gone, this is mainly to do with the fact companies dont like him saying no to the script they hand him, he always wants to stick to the story,
all in all no matter what expectations you have you could never get the result you want
I hope that snowgum films do a great job on troll bridge though