Toss you lads for it then

In WA Genua
WAS like New Orleans - built on/by a swamp, lots of lazy lifestyle and good cuisine - food like Gumbo that's not of the finest kind (bottom-feeders and fishbones?

) but tastes divine because the cooks are geniuses. Oh - and like the Everglades they have swamps and alligators too in the bayou all around the Mississippi delta of Louisiana...
Embers herself is white blond with a mid-brown skin meaning, like many others in the region she's of mixed race (or creole), but in Discworld that really doesn't matter at all (in AM at least). Along comes Lilith and
wham! No Dwarves, no Trolls (OK it's prolly too hot there for them), a different kind of local witch driven out - no wizards which is actually quite surprising given the cuisine
BUT the reasons for all that is because Lilith starts to give the city a makeover and so Genua
BECOMES Disneyland (I'd say it's closer to the original in California as that is the most unremittingly, to the point of sickliness, 'magic' kingdom of them all, being in LALAland with so many 'perky' wannabe actors working there

The old city gradually gets forced back and the new one has to be 'perfect' - on the surface, because that's all Lilith can do and why she has to enforce her creation on the people, so Toymakers
have to whistle and tell children stories etc. With me so far?

OK - this is why I think Mrs G has to all appearances deserted Embers. Erzulie
cannot fight the combined wand and mirror magic and work her kind of magic in the central part of the City. So, like the old city she's progressively being eroded and pushed back and, with the old Baron dead she does kind of lose the plot and gets desperate and very, very angry.
I think in a way Mrs. G had to abandon Embers, because she's trying to see things long-term? If she stays in Lilith's terrible pristine Genua she will become powerless and she needs to be strong to continue fighting Lilith, so she retreats into the swamps, the epitome of Genua's old dishevelled lazy lifestyle and magic to garner her strength and to shelter the newly zomboid Baron (from Lilith as she's killed him once and no doubt would do so again). They have to use the natural 'free' magic of the old city, but it isn't strong enough yet but can be harnessed at certain times... like Samedi Nuit Mort?
Also don't forget that Erzulie doesn't completely desert Embers - Mrs. Pleasant keep her posted as to what's happening to her daughter and so, like Tony says, the heir's safe enough and Mrs G bides her time and appears defeated to Lilith who grossly underestimates her and so is lulled into a false sense of security. Parents are not always predictable in defence of their young. Some will leave them when danger threatens - some birds will deliberately leave their nests and even feign injury in an attempt to divert predators from their chicks? Some deer/gazelles take their babies away from the apparent safety of the herd and hide them so the great cats or hunting packs will not find them or be able to easily bring the fawns down if the herd is stampeded? And some women will walk out of destructive relationships and even leave their beloved children to make themselves stronger and able to act more independently so they can fight more effectively. I think the latter is what Mrs Googol decided was the best in the circs - let the story and Lilith appear to have won. But that's only part of the story of course!