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Aug 29, 2008
Bridgwater Somerset
No, Granny is doing it for all the right reasons but Lilith for all the wrong ones.... and long term it did no harm to Greebo ( infact it gave Him an extra option in emergences as per the escapes in the book Maskerade ) but the creatures created by Lilith are permanently stuck halfway between Human and Animal.
And I got the feeling that Greebo had some fun as a Human... unlike the terrible things created by Lilith..... 8)

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Greebo's a cat - cats have egos even if they don't live with Witches and so they are a different case in point as they have sufficient self-awareness to make excellent amoral human beings. :twisted:

Having been lavished with Nanny's mummying all these years he's pretty close to being human anyway and his cat life is pure Alpha Maleness so in fact he's been given a body and personality to match his cat nature and not just negligently given a half-baked patch job like Lilith did with the poor old wolf.

I think Granny, with her masterly skill for Borrowing is extremely sympathetic to how animals think (the sharp silver arrowheads of awareness of predators etc which is a tie-in that Terry was using from the outset in Equal Rites (when Esk gets tangled up in the eagle's head in a kind of mind donor organ rejection) so her choice of his body and human personality is in fact a bespoke tailoring so Greebo's almost there - if a little surprised at first... :laugh:
Jan Van Quirm said:
I think Granny, with her masterly skill for Borrowing is extremely sympathetic to how animals think (the sharp silver arrowheads of awareness of predators etc which is a tie-in that Terry was using from the outset in Equal Rites (when Esk gets tangled up in the eagle's head in a kind of mind donor organ rejection) so her choice of his body and human personality is in fact a bespoke tailoring so Greebo's almost there - if a little surprised at first... :laugh:
In fact, Granny thinks to herself, after Nanny Ogg makes sure that it IS her, after being in the wolf's mind that it will be weeks/months before she gets rid of the urge to chase wagons. :twisted: :laugh: :twisted:
Aug 29, 2008
Bridgwater Somerset
poohbcarrot..... not sure that Magrat lost at cards, think it was Nanny who was taken to the cleaners by the card sharps! But Nanny was holding on to the Groups cash in Her bloomers.... ! :laugh:

chris.ph.... well that is a point of view, but I put it to you that there are many examples in real life where people do things ( for example Policemen ) some for the right reasons and some not so.

For example and quite off the top of my head I can think of The Good Old British Bobby and a member of the Communist KGB or German Gestapo.

All were or are employed to keep the law but they all have different aims... :eek:

so just saying,

Quote ..... sorry mspanner whats good for the goose is good for the gander...... unquote

is simplifying the situation a little.

But if that is your a point of view then far enough..... 8)
Dec 31, 2008
mspanners said:
poohbcarrot..... not sure that Magrat lost at cards, think it was Nanny who was taken to the cleaners by the card sharps! But Nanny was holding on to the Groups cash in Her bloomers.... ! :laugh:
:oops: OK, so it wasn't Magrat, but she was with Nanny, wasn't she?

Anyhoos, the point I was making was Granny playing cards, which was funny.
Aug 29, 2008
Bridgwater Somerset
:laugh: Yes, very good when She busted them up, used all Her skills and Phycology to get some pay back... but they had to beat it afterwards as the conmen were going to pay them a visit!

Brave men if they think they could take on the Witches, probably a lucky escape for them that the trio of Witches decided to leg it. :eek:


Aug 12, 2008
swansea south wales
mspaner not a critizism coz i cant spell it but in the paper today where the good old english bobbies tasering somebody then punching him whilst he was cuffed at least the kgb punched them in private not on the street whilst 30 people with mobiles taped every move. blinkin idiots
yes ,i did simplify it but im crap at typing so it takes me ages todo long posts :)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I did like the way Granny managed to make the rude bartender drop a glass that happened to smash the huge mirror - thus killing three birds with one stone - stopping Lilith from spying, the card sharps from using the mirror to see her cards and the bar tender to get in trouble for breaking the mirror. :laugh:
Aug 29, 2008
Bridgwater Somerset
Cops tasering a drunk........... yep I could have picked a better example or better timing but I will stand by my remarks never the less.

PS my spelling id turibbable has wehile! :eek:

No seriously there is a free spell checker available on the web call tinySpell that I use, it runs in the back ground and a window pops up when ever you make a mistake. No good for punctuation or CaPiTaLiSaTiOn.,,,//., and tends to put Z in place of S as per US spelling but is ok as it is free. :laugh:
Aug 29, 2008
Bridgwater Somerset
Ok mate just thought I'd mention the checker as it has helped me a lot.

I was hit by a car as a child (7 Year old) and it affected the way I see writing.. my hand writing is terrible I used to write words with letters mixed up or sometimes even reversed!

I did not see these faults unless someone pointed them out to me.... made it a right pain in the *rse at school and collage and during my apprenticeship ! Always had to double check everything I submitted with a Dictionary and had to type it all up too...... :eek:

Wish I had all this technology back then but 1977 we were using Log Tables, Dictionaries and Slide rules! My Brother Peter was a bit of an electrical genius and I can remember Him building a Sinclair Calculator from a kit... think it cost Him 70 Quid to build and could only do basic math and had Red Wire type LED display... :)

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