raisindot said:
I'd say the exact opposite. With nearly every Hollywood movie being either based on comic books or 70s TV shows, or some totally inane CGI-laden blow up fest, low-budget and horribly sadistic slasherfest, inane double-digit IQ "romantic comedy" or idiotic testosterone-driven action flick, I'd say the last 20 years have been the worst in the history of films. At least in the 40s, 50s and 60s you had people like John Ford, Billy Wilder, Sidney Lumet, Hitchcock, William Wyler, Fellini, Kurosawa, Goddard, Truffaut cranking out masterpieces whose quality made up for the thousands of B movies made during this time. Today, the only time you see a movie of good quality is the when Martin Scorcese comes up with a true winner every now and then.
As opposed to nearly every Hollywood movie being based on a play, or musical, spaghetti western, cheap sci-fi, government propoganda films, And today and the last 30 you have Miyazaki, Spielberg, Cameron, Niel Blomkamp, Peter Jackson, Baz lurman, Chris Columbus, John Landis, Jim Henson, Tarentino, Coppola, etc etc.