Um ... as for
really bad films go, I could name three right off the bat:
- Any of the Sharknado films. (There were six. That's right,
six. In the name of sanity,
- Any of the Twilight films (do I even have to say why?)
- Any of the Fifty Shades films (ditto)
There are more on
this reddit thread, but one of the reviews made me laugh:
When Time Ran Out", Paul Newman and Jacqueline Bisset, 1980. A volcano erupts on a small tropical island with a resort hotel. It has every tired old cliché imaginable (I mean, Red Buttons plays a retired circus tightrope artist. You can see where that's going).
I actually saw it in a theater. There's this one scene where Newman and Bisset are separated by a river of lava and the camera keeps switching back and forth between their faces - I finally said to my friend "I wish one of them would just fall in, I'm getting tired of watching them making googly eyes at each other". I must have said it too loud because several people around me started laughing.
Bad, bad, bad movie.
As for the worst? Well, I wouldn't call this film the worst, but at least three of the worst films I've seen are:
- The Passion of the Christ. Also known as "Let's rehash every antisemitic trope known to Catholicism, EVER."
I've heard that there's a sequel coming out soon. Apparently the provisional title is "Jesus Kicks Butt".
- The Last Samurai. Of course. Because local people could never get anything done without the help of renegade American military officers.
The Patriot. Yes, Mel Gibson again. It's utter claptrap, but it's
good-looking claptrap, with a stirring score. So of course it won lots of Oscars.
- Braveheart. Alternative title: "Let's see how many Scots we can annoy."
By the end of this thing, I was half-wishing they'd do to Mel Gibson what they did to William Wallace. I'm not kidding. I'm not Scottish, but I know the story of William Wallace, so I was somewhat annoyed but mostly bored with this overlong, POS film. "Are they done yet? Nope ..."
I know, I get too worked up over this. Maybe. I just wish Hollywood (and especially Mel Gibson) would treat other people's history with maybe a tiny modicum of respect. That's not too much to ask, right?