worst films youve ever seen

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Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
There there smartypants!

It is just a weeeeee bit too long though - Master diCaprio just can't cut it when it comes down to it (just as well they gave Kate Winslet the axe to free him :twisted:

I'm a 'so bad it's good' fan so I have a high tripe threshold anyway. My 'best' bad film in terms of actually remembering the plot has to be Sir Les Patterson Saves The World, possibly because it has the 'best' and most graphic drunk/sober-up gagever and of course it also has Dame Edna in it as well (with killer koalas).

Hmmm - well it helps to be drunk when you watch it I suppose and YouTube doesn't really do the scene justice - far better on Betamax :p

David Brown

Jul 4, 2011
West Sussex
poohcarrot said:
You lot have not a bone of romance in your bodies. :rolleyes:

Titanic was lovely. :laugh:

I even had a tear in my eye at the end (a bit) :cry:
Mrs Brown is a notorious lover of romantic trashy novelettes (in her favour, she also enjoys Pratchett and Doctor Who, so we have something in common), but even she hated Titanic with a passion.

And she's just told me that she finds me romantic enough!


Apr 29, 2011
I watched the Gangs of New York last night again (on TV)
Also, West is West, the sequel to, can you guess, East is East.

I thought it better than the original.
Nov 21, 2010
fids said:
I watched the Gangs of New York last night again (on TV)
Also, West is West, the sequel to, can you guess, East is East.

I thought it better than the original.
But were they bad? o_O:


Jul 28, 2008
poohcarrot said:
My gods! :eek:

Has this cruel world sucked all the romance out of your bodies, leaving you just desensitized husks of your former selves? o_O
I don't like the film at all. In no small part because the first officer William Murdoch, proudly remembered by his descendents as a man who saved the lives of women and children before going down with the ship, was portrayed as a coward who killed two passengers then shot himself. Instead of cutting the part out, execs flew to the hometown of his relatives to apologise. Filthy dirty money-grabbing bastards, changing history for the sake of entertainment.

Plus it was shite.


Apr 29, 2011
Its a difficult one this, worst film, hmm.

I have to say the second of the new Star Wars films had me wanting to get up and leave the cinema but I couldn't because the kids would have had a dirty protest.

Seriously when Yoda started fighting with Christopher Lee I though right thats it I've seen it all now, time to go.

There was a video my room mate used to watch which was so bad it was unmissable, I think it was called rat fink and booboo

i'll look for a link but that was really bad :laugh:


Apr 29, 2011
here tis

http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source ... -T_za0oBoA

Plot summary

C.B Beaumont is the girlfriend of rock and roll star Lonnie Lord, and is abducted by the Chain Gang. With his friend, Titus Twimbly, Lord decides to become "Rat Phink" and his friend assumes the pseudonym "Boo Boo". On their Ratcycle, the twosome eventually track down the Chain Gang and rescue his paramour. However, they must then defeat Koga, an escapee gorilla from a local zoo. After that is resolved, a parade is held in honor of the heroes.
It has to be seen to be belived :laugh:

David Brown

Jul 4, 2011
West Sussex
poohcarrot said:
I even had a tear in my eye at the end (a bit) :cry:
So did I, for three and a quarter hours of my life I wasn't going to get back.

deldaisy said:
David... she likes Pratchett and Dr Who.... I would keep her if I were you.
Oh, I intend to, believe me!

Dotsie said:
I don't like the film at all... Filthy dirty money-grabbing bastards, changing history for the sake of entertainment
I didn't know those details, but nothing there surprises me, except the apology.

Dotsie said:
Plus it was shite.
I did know that.


Sep 13, 2009
NOT The land of the risen Son!!
Dotsie said:
I don't like the film at all. In no small part because the first officer William Murdoch, proudly remembered by his descendents as a man who saved the lives of women and children before going down with the ship, was portrayed as a coward who killed two passengers then shot himself. Instead of cutting the part out, execs flew to the hometown of his relatives to apologise. Filthy dirty money-grabbing bastards, changing history for the sake of entertainment.
:eek: Never knew that! :eek:

Filthy dirty money-grabbing bastards! What a poxy film! :twisted:


Apr 29, 2011
poohcarrot said:
Dotsie said:
I don't like the film at all. In no small part because the first officer William Murdoch, proudly remembered by his descendents as a man who saved the lives of women and children before going down with the ship, was portrayed as a coward who killed two passengers then shot himself. Instead of cutting the part out, execs flew to the hometown of his relatives to apologise. Filthy dirty money-grabbing bastards, changing history for the sake of entertainment.
:eek: Never knew that! :eek:

Filthy dirty money-grabbing bastards! What a poxy film! :twisted:
same deal with Private Hook in Zulu, he was made out to be a malingerer which he wasn't.


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
poohcarrot said:
Dotsie said:
I don't like the film at all. In no small part because the first officer William Murdoch, proudly remembered by his descendents as a man who saved the lives of women and children before going down with the ship, was portrayed as a coward who killed two passengers then shot himself. Instead of cutting the part out, execs flew to the hometown of his relatives to apologise. Filthy dirty money-grabbing bastards, changing history for the sake of entertainment.
:eek: Never knew that! :eek:

Filthy dirty money-grabbing bastards! What a poxy film! :twisted:
See! Thats the point. Alot of people don't know. Bet you never knew about the apology either. Right thing would have been to change the film... but nooooooo. My estimation of Cameron plummeted after that movie.


Apr 29, 2011
Of course the next changing of history to suit will be the remake of the Dambusters.

Guy Gibsons dog will be called digger.

I guess this one will annoy/please depending on which side of the PC gone mad divide you stand.

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