I ran into this when I was on the youtube thread... I LOVE this movie... but yes its still a candidate for Worst Movie Ever
1:20 (His stand-in is about 3 stone lighter than he is oh and the shirt of many knives!)
or this one:
1:14 ("Now rush in after you have cut the guards down and run through the water into the castle!!!!" *tippy toe tippy toe*... "Ohhhhh my socks are getting wet... this is going to RUIN my shoes Stan!"
The whole movie is on there. One of my fav movies EVER
I have been looking for this for soooooooooooooooo long!
I first saw it when my g/f's and I used to have "Worst Movie" nights. The extras in this movie were hired from a circus.... hence the amazing fight scenes

If you look at the prison scenes you will hear the knock of wood everytime they touch something against the "bars" (a few knocks of wood in the fight scenes they missed too) and a careful look at the end of the movie you can see the gaffer tape holding the handles onto the shields...