Sister Jennifer said:
Looking forward to reading it . Will keep an eye out for the Brentford Trilogy, all 8 of them

SJ here are some listed but it's not up to date taken from the website.
The Brentford Sequence
The Antipope
The Brentford Triangle
East of Ealing
The Sprouts of Wrath
The Brentford Chainstore Massacre
Sex and Drugs and Sausage Rolls
The Armageddon Quartet
Armageddon: The Musical
They Came and Ate Us (Armageddon II: The B-Movie)
The Suburban Book of the Dead (Armageddon III: The Remake)
The Cornelius Murphy Trilogy
The Book of Ultimate Truths
Raiders of the Lost Car Park
The Most Amazing Man Who Ever Lived
The Completely Barking Mad Trilogy
Sprout Mask Replica
The Dance of the Voodoo Handbag
Waiting for Godalming
And some other marvellous, yet unrelated, books
The Greatest Show Off Earth
The Garden of Unearthly Delights
A Dog Called Demolition
Nostradamus Ate My Hamster
Snuff Fiction
Web Site Story
The Fandom of the Operator