Doughnut Jimmy said:
What does everyone else think about the relationships between the witches in this book? On rereading it I was surprised at how "nice" Granny is to Magrat. The quarrel between Granny and Nanny over how they were as girls doesn't seem to fit with how well they work together and their relationship later.
The witches, in this book, are interesting. Nanny seems to have arrived on Discworld fully formed and, to me, she doesn't seem to change much throughout the series. I wonder if Terry based on anyone in particular.
Granny is still developing, I think. You're right DJ - she does seem a little nicer - more tolerant and maybe not quite as clever as she is in the later books.
Magrat's character is due to change anyway. A lot happens to her that is going to be character changing. Meeting Verence, getting married, having a child and gaining more and more confidence. If anything, I think I like Magrat more in this one than Witches Abroad, where she seems much more of a 'wet hen'.
As a trio, it's again interesting as it's really a duo that is grudgingly allowing Magrat very limited access. Granny and Nanny, as we see in later books, are very different people, but they compliment each other, with Nanny being a bit like Dr Watson to Granny's Sherlock Holmes.
Magrat is sort of the new witch on the block. She is geographically a Lancre witch and, as the book says, their territories border each other, so have to give Magrat a certain amount of respect. But they don't exactly welcome her.
The other two keep secrets from her, such as the true relationship between Tomjon and Verence, which they seem aware of, but let Marat discover for herself.