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Nov 15, 2011
It's always a thrill to hear Terry's name mentioned in unrelated topics.

Oh boy, Oh boy. Now I know what I'm gonna be wasting my time watching in between Fargo seasons. I hadn't heard of Carpool before, so many amazing passengers!

Cheers Tony! You are a legend.

I know I'm being annoying but how funny is this - Lycra is the Old Testament of garments, it is unforgiving.

Arms Fair- chilling insight.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I recently discovered James Randi on YouTube. He is an ex-conjurer and "professional sceptic" who debunks so-called claims of psychic powers. Indeed, he's put up a prize of one million dollars to anyone who can prove these powers under scientific conditions. He's still got the million dollars. :laugh: He debunked Yuri Geller and even demonstrated how spoon bending etc. were done. Geller tried to sue him and lost.

He's well worth checking out.

Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
Tony I just watched SciMan Dan about one of these flat earth idiots, when I was waiting outside the Con hotel in London with a friend, a coach driver came rushing over when he seen my T-shirt sprouting about how gravity has not been proved and there was no moon landing etc, we sent him on his way with a flea in his ear so to speak, absolute bloody idiots money wasted on him as far as education was concerned.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
It's this Dunning-Kruger Effect that we are seeing more now. A good deal of the flat earth nonsense seems to be religiously based to some. The idea that the creation of the Earth fits in with the Genesis (not the group) story, means a flat earth sort of explains it. Others are conspiracy theory nutjobs. Sadly the Internet has a lot to answer for in this case. And they like the idea of making bold statements that they will stick to despite evidence provided. Like trump (and Brexit) voters, they've invested too much to back down and say they were wrong.


Dec 7, 2010
It's the sort of stupidity that deserves capital punishment, to prevent the infection from spreading.

Anyway, since my last post here (which was way too many years ago and makes me feel old), I've discovered other internet series. I mentioned Abridged Series, which I will get back to, but here's a triarch of interesting internet shows, all, more or less, done by the same company: Rooster Teeth.

Red vs Blue was basically Rooster Teeth's flagship show, starting off as a simple machinima comedy series set in the Halo universe. It's now much bigger and better. The first five seasons are mostly comedic stream-of-consciousness stories with virtually no plot, about two teams of misfit soldiers stuck in a stalemate in a box canyon with no strategic worth whatsoever, but starting from the sixth season, the plot gets darker and more complicated, involving a military conspiracy around AIs. Here's the first episode...

RWBY was developed later by Monty Oum, and is an action-adventure CGI series about the world of Remnant, a world beset by the Creatures of Grimm. In order to fight the Grimm, Hunters are trained at special academies. The series revolves around Ruby Rose, a young teenager who is admitted to Beacon Academy early, and eventually becomes part of a team of Hunters-in-training called RWBY, along with corporate heiress Weiss Schnee, fugitive Blake Belladonna, and Ruby's boisterous half-sister Yang Xiao Long. Here's the first season and the trailer...

Finally...Death Battle. This was actually produced by Screwattack, but it's since been rebranded as Death Battle (the channel was rebranded), and it has been a subsidary of Rooster Teeth for some time. Basically, you have two (occasionally more) characters from fiction pitted in a battle to the death, comparing their skills and armaments to determine who would win. While the first season is a bit shonky, given that they don't have that many rules enforced, the later episodes are much better, and while most of the time, they just animate modified sprites, sometimes, they use CGI (usually game models). In one case (Nightwing vs Daredevil), they even staged a live-action fight.

Now, most of the videos on Youtube are age-restricted, presumably due to the violence, but pretty much every video from the 100th battle, the Mario vs Sonic rematch, aren't. If you want to watch them without having to sign into Youtube, go to Rooster Teeth's website for their videos and look for them there (or follow this link: ).

I'm posting one of the better ones that isn't age-restricted (yet): Darkseid vs Thanos. Not only is it a VERY spectacular fight, animated in some pretty snazzy CGI graphics, but it's got some humour to it as well...



Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
There - I have moved it. It's likely that we are going to find a lot of these threads in the wrong place - there are a LOT of threads. But we'll get to them eventually.


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
I'm afraid I don't understand how the whole "flat earth" thing has anything to do with the Bible. *shrug* I had to do Bible-study classes when I was growing up, and I studied at least half the bible - from Genesis to Kings I. I don't remember anything there about a flat earth.

Incidentally, there appears to still be a myth that medieval European scholars believed in a flat earth, and didn't stop believing in it until Columbus returned from the New World. This is nonsense: virtually all medieval European scholars knew that the earth was spherical. See The Myth of the flat earth. (Warning: wiki) ;)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
The ancient Greeks proved the Earth was a globe and even calculated how big it was. Columbus believed in a spherical Earth and was trying to find a quicker route to China and India when he discovered the American continent. The Biblical belief of a flat earth comes from the descriptions in Genesis of a domed firmament between Earth and heaven. The flat earthers are also often believers in a young Earth of only around 6000 years old. This is a belief held by many christians, especially (although certainly not exclusively) in the United States. They will rage against science and discredit Darwin because they believe that such scientific beliefs somehow diminish their god's achievements. I mentioned the show I watch, The Atheist Experience. This is a show run from Austin, Texas where theists and atheists can phone in and discuss topics of atheism with the hosts. Very often the theists call in to argue against science and believe that the Earth is young. This is a show that has been going on for almost 20 years and over all that time (I've watched nearly all the old shows) no caller has ever come up with a new or a good argument for theism.
Likes: RathDarkblade


Dec 7, 2010
Thanks, Tonyblack.

Sadly, fanatics like this will exist for a long time. As much as I am an atheist and misotheist, I am content to let those who actually believe in religion and don't try to force their view onto others (save for a bit of polite proselytism at best) be. People like this, though...and look at the likes of, for example, the late and VERY unlamented Fred Phelps. They twist the facts to suit their beliefs, or dismiss or discard any contrary evidence. Religious fanatics like those are, IMO, mentally ill. And I mean that there is literally something wrong with their brains.

Another sad point is, as much as we'd like to believe that science is any different, given peer review and continually testing, modifying or discarding hypotheses and theories, the truth is that because many scientists make careers out of championing certain hypotheses, theories or doctrines, they often violently attack theories, even those stronger, and those who make them. Witness Joseph Priestly and his championing of phlogiston theory, while attacking Lavoisier over oxygen (partly over priority, but also because of the phlogiston thing). Then there's Fred Hoyle's championing of the Steady State Theory over the Big Bang Theory (ironically, because Hoyle was a strong atheist). And when politics get involved...well, look up Trofim Lysenko some time, and how he got Soviet biologists who believed in Mendelian genetics purged during the reign of Stalin.

Now, let's get off the subject. Here's a horrifically hilarious clip from Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, where Luke Valentine makes the mistake of claiming, compared to Alucard, that he is a demigod. Alucard hows him just how wrong such an assumption is...



Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I have a DVD of "Hellsing Ultimate" that I found in a charity shop a while back. I used to be very much into Manga, so the Manga symbol on this caught my eye. It's been a while since I watched it, but I remember being quite pleased with it.


Dec 7, 2010
I have a DVD of "Hellsing Ultimate" that I found in a charity shop a while back. I used to be very much into Manga, so the Manga symbol on this caught my eye. It's been a while since I watched it, but I remember being quite pleased with it.
The Abridged Series is brilliant. It manages to balance the horror and awesomeness of the original with some brilliant comedy, a lot of it pitch black. That being said, one of the bits I didn't like was the jokes about the Queen and Alucard's relationship in the fourth episode (making what was a sweet scene in the original a rather crass one with what really is a 'too soon' joke about Diana), which is a shame, as the rest of the episode is absolutely brilliant. And in episode eight, when Alucard unleashes his true power, Herr Doktor remarks that their troops are getting slaughtered, and the Major remarks, "Who gives a sh**? They're Nazis." This is the leader of a Nazi organisation, keep in mind...

Actually, the Major's speech at the end of episode 4 is both funnier than the original, and more awesome. Helped immensely by them using Mars, Bringer of War for the climax...

Likes: Tonyblack


May 20, 2012
I may be watching fewer youtube videos now that youtube and firefox have both decided to kill adblock. I can deal with a short ad at the beginning or end, but RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A 5 MINUTE MUSIC VIDEO? TWICE? They've admited openly that it's to force people to sign up and pay for watching, while the complaints online indicate that even people who _are_ paying are having ads shoved into their videos. Not even appropriate ones - a video about veganism had a fried chicken ad shoved in.


Dec 7, 2010
And I keep getting ads all the time from Clive Palmer and his United Australia Party. 'Put Australia First'? Pfft, yeah, right, more like 'Put Clive Palmer First'...


City Watch
Jul 20, 2017
It's likely that we are going to find a lot of these threads in the wrong place - there are a LOT of threads. But we'll get to them eventually.
Yes, unfortunately on the old forums there was very little breakdown of thread topics into sub-forums which eventually became quite a mess. We (admin and mod teams) have been working our way through them - but there are still quite a few remaining.

Ideally members who spot any out of place topics would use the "Report" function which notifies the admin and mod teams immediately and we can move these stray ones to their correct homes.

Likes: Tonyblack

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